
Reception/Year 1 Puffins

Mrs Sanders

Class Teacher

Mrs Hart

Support Staff

Welcome to Puffins - Reception/Year 1 

We are excited to welcome the children to Puffins class as we start our learning journey together. As the children settle into their new class we will be getting to know more about them. The children will talk about their feelings as we read the story ‘In My Heart’, making links to feelings and reflecting on their own experiences. 


This half term our learning theme is  All Creatures Great and Small”. 

In reception the children will learn all about themselves and a range of different animals. In year one the children will learn all about different classes of animals and animal diets as they answer the question: 

How do animals survive? 


Reception children will be focussing on fine motor activities as they practise writing newly taught sounds, forming letters correctly. Year one will be learning about nouns and verbs, and looking carefully at how to construct and write sentences.  


In RE we will focus on Christianity as we explore the following questions: 

 Reception- “What makes people special?” 

 Year 1 - “Does God want Christians to look after the world?”  


In PE the children will practise a range of skills including underarm, overarm and chest passes to support them with invasion games.  


In Maths the reception children will be exploring comparing, sorting and creating patterns. The year 1 children will be focussing on place value within 10. We will also be using our knowledge of numbers to solve addition and subtraction problems within 10.

  In PSHE the children will learn more about themselves and their relationships. Throughout all lessons we will think about core values and our My Personal Best values- curiosity and imagination . 

We will use Tapestry to share your child's learning with you and to share important class messages. Please make sure you check the app regularly.Click here for Tapestry website 

Please make sure book bags are brought into school daily. 

Thank you 

Mrs Sanders and Mrs Hart 

Year 1

Biscovey Nursery and Infants' Academy
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